Just to let you know a little more about us than just what we do, we are two sisters who live in the San Fernando Valley with our two Maltese. Nani Koa is on the left and Ipo Koa is on the right. They are our pride and joy and the inspiration for our growing business.
We tried a lot of products on our Maltese before we finally found this clip and the common problem we ran into was that none of the clips could hour our doggie’s hair very well. We tried the butterfly/claw-type clips, but the problem was some of them were so small they were hard to use and most of them would just slide off their hair. Another angle we tried was using the heavier metal snap shut clips, which the dogs did not like due to the weight on their head and would just roll around until it came out. Lastly, we ruled our using rubber bands. The only experience we had with the rubber bands was when our dogs came back from the groomer. However, we had so much difficulty trying to get the rubber bands out without cutting or tearing out hair that we vowed never to use them.
Finally, we found these lightweight French barrettes that held our dog’s hair and held it well! Our little boy has a lot of hair and our little girl has less hair and its thinner, but it holds both of their ‘do’s equally well, even when they fight! In the event that one of the clips comes out, all the pieces survive their fate at the mighty jaws of our little boy, so no need to worry about our clips falling apart. The French barrettes’ pinch-open system is also very easy to use.
We have a massive selection of different styles of clips, for girls AND boys (since Ipo’s Daddy wouldn’t let him wear bows or flowers in his hair). We have everyday clips, birthday clips, seasonal clips and the list goes on…Browse our clips and see for yourself – if you don’t find anything you like, email us what you would like to see on a clip and we might be able to add it to our selection!